
A professional alternative to a 4-year bachelors degree.
Charleston, SC
Completion Year
Global Brand/Family
In Place Impact

Having played a pivotal role in making Charleston, SC a globally recognized hub of Impact Entrepreneurship, and having helped students for over 11-years as a volunteer adjunct professor at the College of Charleston, our Founder believes that it is now time to provide alternatives to the institutionalized 4-year degree program in America.
The cost and worth of a four-year college education in the United States in the is quite rightly under a microscope. One only has to look at the amount of time spent in class as a percentage of the number of hours in a working year; the number of class hours dedicated to a "major"; and the cost per hour related to obtaining a degree and a "major", and it is plain to see that:
A) Way more time and money is spent on classes that the majority of students have to take but do not want/need
B) Charging for four years when a degree can be obtained in way less time is negligent, and a financial drain on families
C) Student debt is a huge problem in the US and is driven by the inefficient, institutionalized structure of our higher education system
Tailored to students wanting a "one and done" year that provides them with an immersive education focused on "Leadership and Management Through the Lens of Profit for Purpose", the new school will have no electives, just the core lessons required for successful careers in business. In 1-year, students will learn more about how to build or contribute to a successful profit for purpose business than those majoring in business at a 4-year university. After all, shouldn't education be about the student? Classes will be taught by people who have had a proven career of building and leading successful companies.
Each student will also take 12-months to design their own profit for purpose company, learning every aspect of business along the way. Some will remain in the free incubator offered to graduates.
Imagine, a gap-year after high school (travel, context, and experience), then a one and done immersive course providing the best of the best education in how to succeed in a business career. All in less time, and for less money, than it takes to get a undergrad degree today. Impact investors, and impact focused employers will be integrated into the school.
The school will accept 120 students each tear, and be located in Charleston, SC. Proposed launch is 2026.
PS We have already had the pleasure of working with the remarkable Jenny Whittle, who took it upon herself to make the Impact Economics syllabus age appropriate for 3rd through 12th grade students. The "Innovate to Graduate" syllabus she has produced is off the charts brilliant, and frankly should be in every school in America! America will once again be the envy of the world in terms of innovation and opportunity. We will unlock the institutionalized and government choke points that have been holding us back.