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  • Writer's pictureStuart Williams

Modern Business Leaders Are The Most Important People in the Sustainable Future Room

There +/- 22,000,000 registered companies in the United States, of whihc +/- 16,000,000 operate on a daily basis. Combined they employ over 130,000,000 people, they touch every family and community in the US, and they all use financial, human and environmental resources to run their businesses.


Even though the majority of companies employ less than 10 people, someone is making multiple decision every day that have a positive or negative impact on someone or something.


So what could happen to America if every business leader truly embraced Leadership and Management Through the Lens of Profit for Purpose?


  • Companies could generate higher revenues, margins, and profits, leading to greater employment opportunities and more investment in innovation

  • Over 130,000,000 employees and the people/communities they live/work in would probably feel a positive effect from the increases in the velocity of capital and thus standard of living in virtually every community in America

  • The effects of climate change may be reduced and we could start stewarding and regenerating imperative parts of our environmental ecosystem

  • More investment in Impact/Purposed/Mission driven businesses while making a profit

  • Decreases in employee and customer/client turnover

  • More initiatives getting to scale

  • Transform education

  • Build sustainable infrastructure

  • Eradicate poverty

Plus more?


When people scream about eradicating capitalism, they often do so with no real replacement, and without the knowledge that it has helped over 75% of humanity. At In Place Impact we are great believers in capitalism for good, and we work very hard to provide access to the 25% of humanity that have not benefited from it.


All of the purposeful work we do at In Place Impact is part of a new paradigm of circular economy that we have deigned, and that works. Impact Economics is a  program that provides all community stakeholders with a seat at the table, so that when economic vibrancy is increased, everyone benefits.


Simply put, modern business leaders are the mmost importanbt people in the sustainable future room because they can make the biggest difference.


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