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Growth of American Consulting Companies

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Impact Economics Certified Consultants Are Already Standing Out From The Crowd

Impact Economics Certified Consultants create their own for-profit consulting companies purposed to "Make A Profit While Making A Difference". Impact Economics has been designed around the fact that modern business leaders are the most important people in creating a sustainable future for all.


Impact Economics Certified Consultants benefit from exclusivity in their communities, cities, or countries, and capitalize on levels of goodwill that are unmatched by other consultants or consulting firms.   

Impact Economics Certified Consultants work with Businesses, Educational Institutions, Students, Community Residents, Impact Entrepreneurs, Impact Investors, Not-for-Profits, Governments, and all Community Segments. They help each client achieve their goals, while embedding them in unique, inclusive circular economies where when one set of stakeholders benefit, all benefit. 

After decades of research, design, and testing, and over $10m of investment, Impact Economics has been proven to work, and is now being scaled across America and the world by the Impact Economics Certified Consultants who are embedding it in their communities.


If you and or your team want to make a profit while helping your community, city, state, or country become economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable for ALL residents, then you should consider becoming an Impact Economics Certified Consultant.  

Impact Economics by The Numbers

30 - Years
of Experience

15 - Years


9 - Years

3 - Years

We Take Pride in Our Belief

What is Impact Economics?

After decades of research, design, and testing, and over $10m of investment, Impact Economics has been proven to work, and is now being scaled across America and the world by Impact Economics Certified Consultants.

Impact Economics is community-centric circular economy that is 100% inclusive of every segment, sector, and stakeholder in a community. Each is brought into the new economic model in a manner where it immediately benefits, and when one benefits, it is not left to luck that all benefit. Additionally, a heavy focus is placed on either creating or enhancing positive impact at the intersections between all community stakeholders, sectors, or segments.

It is important to note that Impact Economics must be embedded "In Place" so that it can accommodate the unique attributes found within many countries, cities, and communities. It is also open source so that it can accommodate other incredible initiatives that are focused on one or more segments, sectors, or stakeholders.

Impact Economics Certified Consultants can only be licensed to do their work "In Place", i.e. they must reside and have a history in the community they wish to work in.


Once certified, they build their businesses by replicating the Impact Economics model, thereby becoming the go-to professional consultants for local:

  • Businesses wanting to increase profits and socioeconomic and environmental impact, while helping their communities attain the SDGs

  • Governments wanting to build inclusive communities that are economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable for all residents while heightening a focus on attaining the SDGs

  • Academic Institutions wanting to embrace consequential learning, providing students with the opportunity to create for-profit, impact focused innovations that are purposed to help solve local problems, while helping their communities attain the SDGs

  • Any and all residents wishing to become Impact Entrepreneurs by participating in and personally benefit from contributing to the creation of a sustainable future for their community

  • Impact entrepreneurs and investors wishing to build vibrant hubs of impact focused on creating locally built initiatives purposed to help solve local problems

Impact Economics is a politically agnostic model that instead of using entitlement and welfare as a bedrock for marginalized community segments, it uses business, economics, and empowerment. It does this by:

  • Increasing economic vibrancy in every segment of a community and thus starting the process of eradicating the effects of a lack of velocity of capital

  • Creating a socioeconomic construct that works for every community segment, not just some of them

  • Focusing on equality of opportunity not outcome

  • Treating those living in marginalized communities as the table, as opposed to suggesting they should have a seat at the table

  • Changing the socioeconomic pyramid into a socioeconomic construct that provides every segment direct line of sight to each other

  • Flushing out the choke points that are hiding in plain sight

  • Proving that top-down and bottom-up approaches must be adopted, and that where they meet success will occur

Once it reaches a global scale, Impact Economics has been designed to be the catalyst for following annual impact:

  • Generating over $2 Billion each year to help fund and expand Impact Studies (consequential learning) and SDG studies in Colleges and Universities

  • Contributing over $600,000,000 to community-based Impact Investment funds

  • Teaching 2,000,000 people Impact related studies

  • Launching 1,000 community built, Impact focused innovations purposed to help attain one or more of the SDG's

  • Helping 500,000 businesses embrace and benefit from Leadership and Management through the lens of Profit and Purpose 

Read about how it was designed here, not by the UN, not by the World Bank, not by the World Economic Forum, but by Stuart Williams and his family.

If you wish to learn more about becoming certified in Impact Economics and bringing it to your community, simply click the button below, or schedule a call using the booking tool below. You can also see the locations that are currently being served by Impact Economics Certified Consultants by visiting this page, Locations.

A Dedication

Impact Economics is dedicated to the life and work of Mr. Lawrence Bloom,

1944 - 2021, a giant of humanity. 

Learn more about the amazing life and work of Lawrence here.

Schedule a Free Consultation

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